Thursday, April 9, 2009

Crocodiles banned from city

April 9, 2009

DARWIN (Australia) - A NEW 'no tolerance' policy stopping crocodiles from being within 50 kilometres of the city of Darwin was announced on Thursday by the Northern Territory Government.

No crocodile will be allowed anywhere near the state capital, including a rural area where an 11-year-old was taken and eaten last month reported the Northern Territory News.

According to a report on, any crocodiles found in the exclusion zone will be either be killed and used for their skin and meat, or captured and given to crocodile farms.

However, none of them will be relocted reported the newspaper.

"The new program will not allow massive, broad scale culling in the rural area," a government source was quoted as saying. "It's about getting the balance right between protecting people and protecting crocs.

"There's been a croc-free zone for years in Darwin and the harbour. This will extend it to take into account our growing population and the increase in crocs."

Traps will be set up to captured the crocodiles authories said.

The plan will be officially presented to the public next week reported

[And who will be telling the crocs?]

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