Friday, March 14, 2025

Lies about Ocean Plastic

[First Drafted 28 Sept 2024]

 Video: You are being lied to about Ocean Plastic

1:49 It's the fishing industry

3:57 The Garbage Patch in the Pacific is not as big a problem as Coastal Plastic Pollution

5:24 It's not littering

6:29 Emphasising individual choice takes pressure off the companies whose products become plastic waste.

6:51 Is Recycling the solution? No.

7:05 The big lies about Recycling. (Complicated)

9:00 Is Recycling a Scam? We need recycling and we need reduction of plastic production.

9:50 Recycling is meant to be the last resort.

10:33 Microplastic

11:18 Tyres, shedding microplastics

12:00 An even BIGGER source of microplastics - Paint.

13:54 The Solution (?) 

15:12 Resistance to reducing plastic production coming from "Petrostates".


The problem is not plastic littering. Yes, there is littering, and depending on where you are, the problem can be terrible or it can be manageable,

However, most of the plastic in the ocean, in the deep ocean cast offs from the fishing industry.

Then there is microplastics - from textiles, tyres, and paint.

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